She has been a member of the Body of
Benchers since 1999 and elevated to Life Bencher in March 2007.
In the field of arbitration, Mrs.
Adekoya represents both local and transnational parties as counsel in both
domestic and international arbitration proceedings within Nigeria and abroad
and has acted in numerous disputes as either- party appointed Arbitrator, Sole
Arbitrator and Presiding Arbitrator. She is a member of the LCIA African Users
Council and the Nigeria’s ICC National Committee; and is listed on the ICDR
Energy Arbitrators List, the panel of neutrals of the Lagos Regional Centre for
International Commercial Arbitration.
In this interview with Assistant Editor,
LINUS OBOGO, the wife of Air Vice Marshall Oluwole Adekoya (rtd), spoke on the
rise of women on the Bench, corruption in the judiciary, as well as the balance
between her role as a lawyer and wife to a soldier. Excerpts:
As a lawyer married to a military
officer, I knew and still know that I could only be a lawyer in the office and
not in the house. Also, sometimes when there is a discussion between my husband
and me, as a lawyer, what I usually say is ‘let’s reason it out’, ‘this is what
I think should be done’, but as a military man, he will say ‘no, this is how I
want it to be. I will say okay, you are the boss. So if it turns out the way I
had earlier suggested, next time when such situation arises, he will remember
and align with my position. But if he does not remember, we will do it his own
again, until such a time that he realises that we may have to try my own point
of view. Over a period of time, if I hold a view contrary to his, he will
listen and engage my own view. There is the tendency for him to look at issues
from the angle of the military, while I will like to consider the same issue
from the position of law. That is how we have managed ourselves over the years,
35 years to be exact.
the elevation of a woman as head of the country’s apex court and with more
promoted as justices of the Supreme Court, would you say the women are finally
assuming their right of place, particularly in a sector dominated largely by
Sincerely, I will say yes. The women are
assuming their rightful place in the judiciary. Having said that, it is
pertinent to point out that we have had women chief judges at the state level, in
the northern, western and eastern part of the country. It is only at the
Supreme Court that we are finally getting to the apex. Again, I will say that
it is only a question of timing, because as we all know, from Justice Aloma
Muktar’s CV, she has been in the profession a long time.
However, I want to say that women in any
career will also know that it takes a longer time to get to the height of their
career than their male counterparts. This is because women have additional
responsibilities as wives, mothers, other obligations and family commitments to
take care of. So, while we are balancing all these various roles, one thing
will take precedence at a particular time and another will take precedence at
another time. Therefore, it generally takes a woman a little bit longer to rise
to the top than it does take a man. And this is not any different in the legal
in your view, would you consider as challenges likely to constrain women, who
have risen to the top from succeeding, whether in the judiciary or other
Whether one succeeds or not, having
climbed to the top has nothing to do with gender. Anybody who has risen to the
top has the same responsibility to use the time to make a mark, to be different
and stamp her own imprints on where he or she finds herself at that point in
Maybe for Justice Aloma Mariam Muktar, I
think because she happens to be the first woman to have risen to the position
of Chief Justice of Nigeria, all eyes are on her. Also, given the state our
judiciary has found itself at the time she assumed office, there will be a
little bit more of the searchlight and the spotlight on her as people will
expect her to be a magician and move mountains. But this may not be possible in
the two years she has to be in office.
But so far, she is doing her best and
most people are quite happy with what she has been able to do. She has a
two-year-tenure because she has to retire at 70 years.
lot of people would want to imagine that judges should be full of wisdom as
they get older. Does it not amount to robbing the country of the wealth of
experience and wisdom, when judges are statutorily stampeded into premature
retirement at the age of 70 years?
Absolutely! But while I wouldn’t link tenure to age
because we have people who are well over 70 years and who are still very active.
If I had my way, I would rather that at that level, it should be tenure than
age. For instance, the late Justice
Kayode Eso was well over 80 years, yet he was still very active at the
arbitration community, even though he had retired from the Supreme Court.
Conversely, we have people who are under 50s and 60s, yet they are already
tired and finished. So, I would want to suggest that tenure should perhaps be
reviewed to some renewable terms, in the same way that we have four years
renewable term for the presidency. This is worth considering to have the chief judge
of a state or the chief justice of the federation to have a four-year-tenure,
during which if he or she fails to perform, he goes back to being part of the
Bench and someone else takes over. But if you perform, your tenure should be
renewed for as long as you are physically able to perform. I do not subscribe
to the 65/70 years retirement age for our judges. If as a judge, you do not
perform, you should rather return to the Bench, because leadership skills are
not the same as the skills to judge or decide a case.
Someone could be good at judging a case which
makes him or her a good judge, but because by seniority you become the chief
justice or the chief judge, if you do not have the administrative and
leadership skills, you may not be able to lead. Apart from being a good judge,
you need management skills as well. And if you cannot balance the two, in a
situation where you have a good judge who is good at judging cases in
leadership position, one of either will fall apart. The administration will
suffer. So, if you cannot be the administrative head, you might as well go back
to the Bench and someone else becomes the chief judge.
is this refrain that has gradually acquired a dated appeal, which is that ‘the
judiciary is the last hope of the common man’. Today, the common man’s hope is
irredeemably dashed, no thanks to obvious institutional corruption that has
held the senior officers of the bench captive. Who, in your view will bell the
I must say that the Chief Justice is
doing her best to face up to these issues. Additionally, the Bar also needs to
face up to these issues. On our part, we are also trying to do something by
setting up the anti-corruption committee. But on the whole, we really need to
engage with the populace. Just like the SERVICOM, we can also have complaint
boxes in the court rooms and court premises, where people can write and drop
their complaints about corrupt legal officers. There can also be a website
where people can send posts about legal officers demanding bribes to facilitate
or obtain justice.
Honestly, I think we are getting to a
point where we must face up to the issues that confront us both as members of
the Bar and the Bench. Hopefully, things will change if we continue like that.
Obviously, the Bench is disciplining itself. Even in the profession, we have
gotten to a point where we have said that as a legal profession, we are also
involved. Some of our members are not helping the situation by corrupting the
judicial process.
We can also see that the Legal Practitioners
Disciplinary Committee is becoming more active in publicising it activities.
And once the public gets to know that once you make a complaint, there will be a
quick decision, confidence will definitely return. That is what we are trying
to do.
trend all over the world today, is in the direction of how to settle dispute
outside the usual court method through arbitration. Why is the emphasis still
more on litigation in Nigeria than arbitration?
I think that firstly, the arbitration
community or practitioners in Nigeria have woken up to the fact that we are
losing focus. People go to arbitration because they want a quick decision and
they do not want to go to court. But we find a situation where people get a
decision and yet they go to court to challenge that same decision. What the
arbitration community has decided to do is to educate ourselves and secondly
the judiciary. To educate ourselves as lawyers is to explain to our members
that look, today you are in court and tomorrow, you are before the arbitration.
If you appear before the arbitration and you are not satisfied or successful
and you take the case to court, at the end of the day, you have destroyed 50
per cent of your potential income. For instance, if those who are bringing
arbitration matters to you think that at the end of the day they will still end
up in court, they will rather not bring arbitration matters to you.
So, we are actually cutting down our own
practice. Secondly, they may decide that they are not going to court at all.
They may decide to leave the country and forget about the whole matter
entirely. Alternatively, they may decide to take the arbitration abroad. What
we are trying to do therefore, is to tell our members that in arbitration, you
must choose the correct person as your arbitrator and once the correct
arbitrator has given you the right decision, accept it and let your client
accept it.
We are also talking to judges to explain
to lawyers what arbitration process is and that we are both partners working
together, so that when arbitration matters come to their court, they should
dispose of them quickly. And over a period of years, people will come to
appreciate that it is not worth going to court to prolong what ordinarily
should have taken a short time to resolve.
can arbitration be made accessible to the ordinary man without undue financial
encumbrances to him and in a binding manner?
Well, one of the things, for instance,
that the Lagos State Government has done is that from January 2012, if you file
any paper anywhere in court, the court will decide if it should go for
mediation settlement or arbitration, and why it should not come into the full
courtroom. That is one of the ways in which many cases will be resolved at the
arbitration stage, or even mediation, trying to negotiate a settlement between
the parties. Many of these instances will affect smaller disputes where you
will not have to spend a lot of money and time in court.
Courts also have mediation courthouses
attached to them. You will find this in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt, where
you also have arbitration courthouses or court annex. Here, if you have a
dispute, you just pay a small amount, after which they will collect your paper
and call the other party and help settle the matter.
appears to be narrowly skewed in favour of a few privileged lawyers, despite
that it is somewhat an integral part of legal service delivery, why the seeming
You are not totally correct. In the law
school, every single student takes a course in arbitration. In fact, it is
called Alternate Dispute Resolution, ADR. It is arbitration, mediation
conciliation and negotiation. Every law student takes the course. What has
happened is the mentality of a typical Nigerian lawyer to want to try something
In our part of the world, we have always
been brought up to reason in a way that unless you put on the wig and the gown
and go to court, you are not a lawyer. And this is what we have been trying to
preach to everybody that arbitration is open to every lawyer. It is not
restricted to select privileged lawyers in a way you are trying to paint the
picture. If you want to be involved as a lawyer in arbitration, it is simple.
If you have a dispute, do not try to rush to court. First and foremost, you
have to check the agreement. If the agreement has an arbitration clause, you
commend the arbitration proceedings.
Sadly for many lawyers, when they have a
dispute, they want to prove they are lawyers by rushing to court first before
considering other options. That is what we are trying to explain to lawyers who
think that arbitration is only for privileged lawyers that once you have taken
that route of first going to court, you cannot go back to arbitration. You have
to first think arbitration and it is only when that fails that you then explore
the option of court.
recently chaired a workshop organised by the Centre for Corrections and Human
Development (CCHD), an advocacy group against human and child/sex trafficking.
What do you imagine to be the underlying motives behind the trade and the
constraint in arresting the boom?
It is purely economic. Both the
trafficker and the trafficked are involved purely for the fundamental reasons
of economic. Those engaged in human and child/sex trafficking do so purely for
money and nothing else. They prey on the fact that the women and the children
they are trafficking also want to make money. The workshop which was very well
attended was an eye opener. It was the general observation that many of the
women and the girl child do not go into it with the knowledge that they are
going into prostitution or human slavery. They are usually told to begin
fending for themselves soon after they leave secondary school and with the
prospect of furthering their education apparently bleak. They are baited with
fantastic pictures of European countries and the abundant job opportunities.
The young hapless women see the opportunities as one to better their lives and
they unknowingly jump on the chance. It is the same story with the woman in the
village who begs a city woman to take her child to Lagos or Abuja to be
assisted with one form of trade or the other. By the time the child gets to
Lagos, he or she literally becomes a slave without the parents knowing it.
The challenge, essentially, is to
persuade people not to believe everything they are told. Many Nigerians are
engaged in one form of menial job or the other in Europe and the U.S. without
those back home knowing what they are into. Occasionally, they will send home a
few dollars and some good photographs. Their innocent parents hardly get to
know that their son or daughter wakes up as early as to clean the toilets
for a white man or wash plates at the restaurants.
The only way out is that we must make
our economy as buoyant as possible to make our people stay back in Nigeria. The
economic environment must be made conducive so that people do not fall victim
to human trafficking. We need this kind of workshop from time to time to
sensitise the unsuspecting and gullible public.
head of AELEX, a firm of legal practitioners and arbitrators, how is it like
managing over 40 lawyers?
It is all about being focused and
knowing what it is that you want. You have to be prepared to make the
compromises necessary. Managing a chamber such as ours is like marriage. Today
the man wins and tomorrow the woman wins. That is it. It is also like putting
yam in oil or putting oil in yam. As long as both come together, that is what
is important. That is how we balance things in our chambers, among the partners
and even among the lawyers. We understand and agree that we are looking at a
common goal, which is to improve the profession and improve ourselves as
lawyers. I think that women are better managers and administrators than men. As
women, we have to manage our children, our husbands, our brothers and their
wives and that makes women better managers.
of women being better managers, why has it taken the women lawyers so long to
rise to the headship of the Nigerian Bar Association, many years after Mrs.
Priscilia Kuye, who was the first female NBA President?
Well, I am aspiring to that position in
the next election. But I do not think being the NBA president is an issue of
gender. Rather, it is about whoever wants to be the president must be for a
reason. You must have objectives or goals you think can be done differently or that can be achieved either differently or
even better. We have a lot of women who are actively involved in the activities
of the NBA. We have women who are chairmen of branches.
But I think in the same sense in which
before the CJN could rise to the top of her profession and become the CJN, this
takes time because of other commitments. It is the same for women, even within
the bar association. You cannot rise at the same as the men because you have
other commitments and you have to do the balancing acts. But then, we have a
lot of women who are actively involved in the Nigerian Bar Association.
As for the next NBA presidency, I will
put my hat in the ring when the time comes. But I will not say more than that
so that I will not be accused of campaigning ahead of time.
NBA used to be known for its radical socio-political and economic activism. But
same cannot be said today with allegations of the association reportedly
becoming a willing tool available for hire by politicians for rallies. At what
stage did the NBA sink to this level?
Well, I am not really aware of the NBA
being rented for rallies at any given time. NBA, like any association, has to
move with the situation in which it finds itself. The stance of the NBA when we
are in a military regime will be different from when we are in a civilian
regime. So if you say we are no more radical, it is because if we were in a
military regime, we may have to be a bit more vocal and more radical because
you are confronting a regime, which from the point of view as a lawyer, does
not have legitimacy and it is more likely to trample on the rule of law because
of the manner of its training.
In a civilian regime, you need to be a
bit more circumspect to ascertain that the position that you are trying to put
forward is one that has democracy behind it. If we all agree that democracy is
government of the people, by the people and for the people, and if everybody
says ‘that man is a thief, but we want him as our leader’, that is the voice of
the majority, even when you as a lawyer would want to say this is wrong. So,
one must be more circumspect. The role of the Bar association in a civilian
regime is more of a partner with the government, the civil society and with the
people to elevate everybody’s standard. Yes, we should speak out when we
should, particularly when the government is not doing what it ought to do. But
at the same time, we are expected to educate the populace about their rights.
To say we are not radical may be as a
result of the change of regime because we are no longer in a military regime.
But having said that, I think we can do better and engage more.
lawyers, not long ago advocated for the scrapping of the award of the Senior
Advocate of Nigeria, arguing the award tends to confer undue privileges on the
bearers of the title and which in turn tilts the balance of justice. Do you
agree with this?
I think SANship is still relevant and I
do not subscribe that it should be scrapped. What I think should be done is for
the process of elevation to be reformed. I feel it is relevant because
everybody needs something to aspire to. Otherwise, we will become complacent in
our comfort zone.
Even in the media, a correspondent in
the newspaper wants to be chief correspondent, a sub-editor wants to be editor,
a publisher wants to be a proprietor etc. In every profession, there should be
something for everyone to aspire to. In our profession, the privileges that we
are given are for a reason. The major privilege is that your cases are often
called first when you get to court.
For me, my understanding is that even
the courtroom is supposed to be a learning experience so that the younger
lawyers who are there can acquire and acquire some level of additional knowledge
and erudition from the senior lawyers who are Senior Advocates.
Like every facet of our national life,
the elevation procedure has its problems and this needs to be reviewed. I do
not think that the award should be done by age or length of practice. As we
speak, there are lawyers of forty years who have never practised, but have been
doing tenancy agreement for the last forty years.
Meanwhile, a lawyer of ten years may
have been at a point where he is negotiating transactions with international
lenders or international financial institutions, which brings us to what is
called exposure. With that being said, we need to reform the award procedure
and make it more transparent. This will bring back the prestige and the glamour.
Also, among the Senior Advocates, we
need to look at ourselves and tell each other the home truth that even as SANs,
we are not performing up to the level expected of us as SANs. There are many
Senior Advocates today who, having been made SANs, no longer go to court. It
has become like a chieftaincy title to them. They are alright being addressed
by the title and nothing more. They no longer lend their intellectual capacity
to lift the younger lawyers. The process needs to be reformed but not scrapped.
It should not be something of a monopoly. There is the notion that once you are
made a SAN, it is million, million all the way. It is not true. The experience
is that once you become a SAN, the first casualty is that you begin to lose
your clients. Those who could afford your services before you became SAN will
tell you, look, I can no longer afford your services. Having lost some of your
clients because of SANship, you begin to build a new clientele all over again.
I became a SAN in 2001 and I experienced it. I lost some of my clients who
thought they could no longer afford me.
someone who came from a family of lawyers, did that ever mean anything special to
My father was a lawyer, I am a lawyer
and my daughter is also a lawyer. The one thing I could say I gained from
having a father who was a lawyer was that I had to explain and give reasons for
every demand that I made of my father. For instance, if I needed N100, I had to
explain to him why and what I needed it for and how I was going to spend it.
That was the kind of man my father was as a lawyer and a father. But if it was
just any other man, he could say okay, here is the N100 or that he does not
have exactly N100 and if I could manage N50.
So, for my father, everything was in
debate and in discussion. He taught me how to think logically and to be able to
explain my actions at all times. There was no time I needed to go out and to
return at say 8pm or 9pm, that my father would not insist on me explaining to
him in detail why it had to be that time.
As a lawyer married to an army officer, what was
the atmosphere like in the house, given that in the military, there is this
command and obey structure, of ‘obey
before complain’?
would you consider as your most embarrassing moment as a lawyer, if there was
My most embarrassing moment was not
exactly in court. It was in the office of my principal in Kaduna, where I
started practising as a lawyer. We were the second set of youth corps members
then. It happened that a male client walked into the office and demanded to see
my principal. He was not only surprise to see a woman but one he actually
regarded as a ‘Nyarinya’, a young girl as a lawyer. When I wanted to attend to
him, he said ‘no, I want a lawyer’. He probably thought I was a secretary. Even
when I told him I was a lawyer and I was assigned to his case, he said no, that
he wanted to see my boss who he thought was probably the only lawyer in the
I went in to tell my boss that Alhaji
does not want me. He says he wants a lawyer. Unfortunately for him, my boss led
him out of his office with his file, and asked him not to come to his chambers
any longer. He told him he was not handling his matter and that he could go
elsewhere. The man started shaking. My boss said to him that if say she is the
one handling your case and you do not respect her, it therefore means you do
not respect or have confidence in me. Eventually, he allowed me. That, to me,
was very embarrassing for somebody to walk in and assume that because I was a
woman, I was supposed to be a secretary and I could not be a lawyer. and he
wanted to see a lawyer. Not even when I told him I was a lawyer. He said ‘no, I
want to see a lawyer, a man.’ I went
home that day and reflected on what being a woman was. For the first time, I
was confronted with the issue of being a woman and actually came to terms with
the gender issue for the first time. The assumption then was that as a woman,
you could never be a lawyer.
do you relax?
I read novels. And if I have the time, I
go to parties and dance. That is just about it.
you were not a lawyer, what would you have been?
If I was not a lawyer, I would have been
in Nollywood as an actress. When I was in the university, Ife, to be precise, I
used to be very active in the theatre. I was in the drama group acting plays.
We used to travel to Dakar, Senegal. During the holiday, I used to act in the
now rested Village Headmaster. So, if
I was not a lawyer, I would have been an actress.
would you consider as the most expensive piece of apparel in your closet?
Honestly, I am not into fashion and so,
I cannot see any expensive clothing in my wardrobe. What I have are just my
office wears. I am not a style person. Rather, I am a functional dresser and I
wear what I am comfortable in at any given time.
would you regard as your worst habit?
What I will consider as my worst habit
is perhaps the fact that I do not give much attention to myself. I am always
busy doing one thing or the other for one person or the other without giving
much attention to myself. I would not know if that is a habit. If it is, then,
that may be my worst habit.
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